Category: Commercial Property

Sell My Commercial Property > Commercial Property

Although as a rule I never include links to other websites, as all my views and opinions are based on detailed research and my own personal experiences, I have to draw your attention to the BBC business news link below. As you will see,…

As many expected, 2012 has proved to be another extremely trying time for the commercial property market in the UK. Banks are still not lending, consumer spending is falling, unemployment is rising, inflation is still out-of-control, retail failures have continued, the Eurozone crisis has created…

Ground rents are very saleable assets today as they provide safe, long-term income. The problem is, in order to generate the income you need to qualify as an average earner, you need to buy lots of them. Who sells ground rents? The answer is anyone…

Although awe at Sell My Commercial Property want to buy all types of commercial property in the UK, we really want to buy high street shops in the south east and more specifically within the M25. We also prefer shops which are freehold, occupied by…

I am often asked who buys commercial property in London and the answer I give is how long is a piece of string. There has been much talk of the London commercial property market performing well over the past few years whilst the rest of…

If you are looking to approach shop buyers today, as you want or need to sell your shop, then you must be mindful that we are currently in the middle of the worst commercial property crisis this country has seen for nearly 100 years. Shop…

Who buys shops? Well to start with, we at Sell My Commercial Property do. Although the number of people who buy shops has fallen over the past few years, those who buy shops today are very serious indeed. If you are asking who buys shops,…

People with shops in Wales who are looking to sell have a number of options available to them. However, those with shops in Wales looking for a quick sale are limited in what they can do and where they can go. We at Sell My…

Commercial property buyers, or commercial buyers as they are sometime called, are companies which specialize in buying all types of commercial property. If you look at how many commercial buyers there are today, compared to say 4-5 years ago, you will be astonished. The number…

Commercial property agents are giving themselves and their profession a very bad name in this recession and are falling out of favour with sellers at an alarming rate. Hungry for stock, they are over-valuing properties, taking them on and then failing to sell them. This…