You don’t need another round of bad news as a commercial property owner. Unfortunately, there isn’t much else to report these days. The latest news on the commercial property front is that landlords haven’t been so successful at collecting rent payments through the first quarter of the year.
According to the latest data, commercial landlords only collected 63% of the rent payments due January through March of this year. It has been worse. We have seen quarters in which rent collection hovered around 20%, so at least we have improved from there. But 63% is still nothing to celebrate.
There is nothing new to report in terms of why rents aren’t being paid. The same factors that have been plaguing the UK economy for the better part of three years are still problematic today. Commercial property owners need to evaluate how much longer they are going to stay in the game.
The Money Isn’t There
As we have reported in the past, property owners are struggling to collect payments because their tenants don’t have the cash. The money isn’t there. Pubs and restaurants are seeing less foot traffic. So are retail shops. Less foot traffic translates into lower revenues. Lower revenues mean less money to cover overhead.
Things are not much better for high street retailers. Again, we have recently been reporting on several big-name retailers either closing stores, reducing hours, or getting close to insolvency. The picture remains bleak throughout the property sector among owners whose own resources are limited.
You Have Bills to Pay
We are assuming you’re visited our website because you are at least thinking about selling your commercial property. Know that we truly understand your struggle. You not being able to collect 100% of the rent you are owed creates financial problems. You have bills to pay and not enough money to pay them.
You could continue hanging on in the hope that the economy will recover sooner rather than later. Your other option is to dispose of your real estate assets so that they don’t continue weighing you down. Only you can decide which is the better option. Should you decide to sell, we are in the market to buy all sorts of commercial properties in the UK.
Right now, you are struggling to collect rent. On the one hand, the money is owed and you are legally entitled to it. On the other hand, the prospect of losing your tenants is untenable. As you see it, even a portion of the rent is better than nothing at all.
There Are No Easy Answers
Unfortunately, there are no easy answers to the current commercial property crisis. Truly, it would be wonderful if someone had a magic wand capable of fixing all of this. But we are all smart enough to know that this is not how it works. As a commercial property owner, you are also smart enough to know that tenants lagging in rental payments are bad for your bottom line.
Commercial landlords only managed to collect 63% of the rent owed during the first quarter this year. If you are among them, how has it affected your bottom line? Whether you own a restaurant, pub, retail shop, or any other type of commercial property, you depend on those rental payments to keep things going.
If you are struggling and looking to get out, let’s talk. Sell My Commercial Property is still in the business of buying. We might be very interested in what you have on offer. At least let’s talk things over and see if we can reach some agreement.